It is Wrong Because A Chinese College Student Helped an Elder

The Hidden Trouble of Faulty Chinese Health Care

A Chinese college student stopped in front of the school gate of Huainan Shifan University in September 8 because she saw an elderly woman fall down onto the ground. No one came to help the elder, except that Chinese college girl. She went down from the bike to help the elder massaged her legs and also find her family member but, something bad happened. When the elder’s daughter-in-law came, she let the College student help her call the ambulance and go to the hospital with them. The college girl did that because she thought they might need additional help. But she was wrong.

After she arrived the hospital with the elder’s family, they said the she should be in full charge of the elder’s injury. The girl felt inculpable since she just stopped by and helped when she saw the accident. Why should she be responsible for this accident? They didn’t say thanks to her, instead of that, they want the college girl to pay for the medical care expenses. The girl didn’t know how to deal with this problem. At that time, there were a lot of people around them, and they saw what really happened. So she posted this situation on MicroBlog (like Facebook in America), and wanted to find witnesses. She posted that: “I’m a junior in Huainan Shifan University, and I helped an elder this morning in front of the school gate. Because I felt the accident is serious, I called the emergency center. But the elder’s family said I should be charged of the elder’s injury. The monitor showed that it’s impossible that I would run her down because of the distance between the elder and me. ” But the monitor didn’t show everything, because there was a blind spot. I hope someone who passed by our school this morning can provide some evidence. I need witnesses!”

The college girl posted this situation online


The screenshot of the monitor

屏幕快照 2015-09-12 13.43.36


This elder said she didn’t know who knocked her at that time, but this college girl is the first one who stopped by. The elder’s daughter-in-law said that: “If you didn’t run down her, why you helped her?” This is a ridiculous point. It means that if a person didn’t hurt another, they cannot help them.

The elder is waiting for the operation


The elder’s daughter-in-law want the college girl pay for the medical care expenses


The college girl don’t know how to deal with it


We have had a lot of these similar situations in China these years. One of my friends went back home from school by bike one day; When he made a turn, an elder fell down, but he didn’t even touch her. The elder said she felt so painful and needed to go to the hospital and that my friend should pay for everything. Luckily, the monitor worked well at that day; it showed that my friend didn’t touch her. My friend was inculpable. After the elder realized she couldn’t get money from my friend, she just went back by herself and it seemed like she didn’t feel any pain in her legs.

In my opinion, there are two main problems which are: faulty Chinese Health Care programs and poor medical education. First, in China, most people have to pay for everything when they go to hospital and it’s really expensive. Nowadays, only a little population of Chinese people have good health insurance; where the country would pay for them when they need health care. Those people, who work for government, already have the economic capability to pay for health care by themselves. Most of the Chinese people, they do have health care, but the government only pays for 10% to 20% of the cost for them; so they still need pay a large percentage of it. Some of the people, who live in the countryside, they don’t even have health insurance. So they are afraid of getting injured or getting sick, because they don’t have the money to pay for the hospital.

The Chinese government only puts 3% of their GDP into health care. Compared to America, which puts 25% of their GDP into health care, the Chinese government doesn’t pay attention or pay money to their people’s health care. Not to mention, some of Chinese hospitals do not help people even they are in an emergency situation until they pay for the bill.

Another problem is poor Medical science education. Compared with some developed countries, we should discuss the issue about why we don’t have enough outstanding doctors in the world. Doctors are one of the loftiest causes in China. If people want to be a doctor, they at least need to get a doctor’s degree of medical education. As far as I know, the medical students have almost the busiest college lives compared with other majors in China; most of them have to keep themselves on a very high standard. It’s too hard for a lot of people to become a doctor; so many of them change their majors and give up to becoming doctors. That is why we don’t have enough doctors for the Chinese people.

In addition, the medical education in China overemphasis the importance of knowledge on the medical textbooks and lose sight of the importance of practice. It results in a consequence that a medical student can receive a high score on the test, but cannot answer a simple question posed by a patient.

Above all, although health care in China has a lot of problems, health care is headed in a better direction day by day. I hope that the Chinese government would pay more attention to health care in the near future.

[3. Health Care]

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